jCharacterfalljQuery game by Marcofolio.net

A small, addictive jQuery game

Start saving those poor characters!

Select your style






lives left

This game is pretty easy: Simply select a style (Easy or Hard) and characters in little drops will fall down. Save them by pressing the correct chracters on your keyboard before it hits the ground. After each save, the game gets harder and the droplets will fall faster.

Hard will also punish you when you pressed the wrong character, taking away a life. When playing this game over and over, you might even improve your typing skills.

This fun little game was created by Marcofolio.net, showing the power of jQuery and some CSS3. I'm aware of a couple of bugs in the game, but if you "just play it", you probably don't encounter any of them.

The droplet icon is created by GrabLogo, all other icons are from YellowIcon For extra fanciness, the jQuery Easing plugin is used too.

Feel free to poke around in the source, just to see if you could improve the script in any way!